Saba CD 360


      The 20V you measured at VR301/VR401 are causing the LEDs to lit.
      Now we need to find, why you have there 20 V. I think, we are close to the solution.

      Because you measure all eight PINs of IC101 also 20V, the ground connection (GND) is missing or you created a short between +20 V supply and the black wire which connects PIN4 of IC101 with ground (GND).
      IC101 is supplied with 20 V at its PIN 8 only. PIN 4 of it must be on GND. However, you measure 20 V also on PIN4 of the IC. That means that it is not on GND, connection through the black wire from (E) is interrupted or you have the other end of that wire accidentially connected with 20 V.

      The ground connection (GND) is the black wire on your photograph which is soldered into the board at point (E). The black wire at point (E) is connected with PIN 4 of IC101 and thus represents GND for the IC.

      Your fault is likely on the other end of this black wire (originating from point (E)), where it is soldered into the board next to diode D531. I guess, that you got a short (unwanted connection) there to the +20 V of board PIN 528 which is directly next to it. I have marked this possible short in red. Please inspect the solder side of the board closely in that area.

      If everything is correct, the black wire is firmly soldered into both points (E) and you will measure zero Ohm between PIN 4 of IC101 and the CD360 metal chassis. There must be no short (red) from the other end of the black wire (close to D531) to board PIN 528 or its printed wiring connection. (Please click on the picture to enlarge it).

      Please be aware of a printing error on the SABA schematic (solder side), where the "other end" of black wire from (E), next to diode D531) is wrongly indicated as (J) instead of (E). The printing on the board however (E), is correct. I have corrected the printing error in my picture already.

      I have indicated the connection of the black wire GND connection in yellow color for easier visibility. I also marked the problem zone where the +20 V PIN 528 is next to the solder point of the GND wire and where I suspect a short.

      (Please click on the picture to enlarge it.)

      Best Regards

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 14 mal editiert, zuletzt von „oldiefan“ ()

      According to your instructions, I checked and found that the other end of the black wire connected to (E) is broken. After I soldered it, the LED display is normal, and the voltage of IC101 is also normal. The 8th pin is 20v, the 1-3 pins are all 10v, and the 4th pin is 0.
      You were very accurate and the issue was resolved.
      Thanks and best wishes!

      New question:
      3. Press the play button to play normally, and automatically stop after 2 seconds;
      2. There is no response when the rewinding direction is pressed;
      1. The rewind can be rewinded in the backward direction, and it will automatically stop in 2 seconds.


      A new / other problem. It seems to be an almost endless story.

      In this case, I am afraid that I cannot help much. I am not experienced with mechanical funtions of the unit and with the electronic logical control. Both are interacting. I hope, somebody else, who is knowledgeable in these areas of cassette-decks, can help you.

      The only hint I can offer is that IC 504 is responsible for rewind (REW), fast forward (ff) and also auto stop. According to your description the new fault is in those functions. You got always auto stop after 2 seconds. The auto stop function (cassette stops after 2 seconds) is activated by the "Cassete Switch". Therefore it could be simply a mechanical or contact problem with this switch or a loose or broken cable at this switch. This switch is operated when you put in a cassette. Since you had a broken wire on the main board already it is likely that another wire is broken or became disconnected (i.e. from the Cassette Switch).

      After all, I suspect a problem caused by the repeated disassembly/assembly of the unit - like a broken wire - and less an electrical defect of IC504 or IC501.

      Best regards,

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 4 mal editiert, zuletzt von „oldiefan“ ()

      Thanks to dl2jas, oldiefan, and two friends for their advice. It is true that there is an error in the circuit diagram. I have checked it,

      Now my SABA CD360 is faulty: Rewind is normal, fast forward (ff) does not respond, play does not respond, press play or (ff), and the right wheel does not move or rotate.

      At present, I have replaced the BC550C for both the c1344 and c468,

      According to oldiefan's instructions, I have checked the contacts of all connecting lines and IC501-IC506, but the fault is still unresolved,

      I have been slowly looking for......
      dl2jas, oldiefan,

      After several days of hard work, according to your instructions and the circuit diagram of the driver, we finally got results. You analyzed the cause of the fault very accurately and found that one of the transistors 2SD468 was broken.

      I bought two new transistors right away. After replacement, the problem was solved.

      Thanks to dl2jas and oldiefan for their advice for many times, which has given me the courage to be a radio enthusiast. I am a fan, but I lack radio maintenance skills. I am a beginner. I have been taught many times by teachers, and learned a lot of new knowledge. Thank you again!

      Thanks for the forum!

      Sind von Sanyo, wie auch sehr viele andere Modelle, die der 92xy-Serie folgten (z.B. SABA 2000er Serie). Aber Tuner (MD 292, MT201) und Verstärker (MI212, MI215) noch von Saba aus D, die Cassettendecks wurde bereits von Sanyo (OEM) bezogen. Auch der Tuner MT200 und Verstärker MI210 sind schon aus Japan.


      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 4 mal editiert, zuletzt von „oldiefan“ ()

      Ich habe mal ein CD260 zur Reparatur bei mir gehabt. Das machte einen hervorragenden Eindruck. Der Klang war auch untedelig - im Gefgensatz zu vielen Technics, Akai und anderen, die mir meist eher dumpf vorkamen.
      Der einzige Wermutstropfen sind m.E. die damals verbauten zum Knistern und Rauschen neigenden Hitachi-Transistoren bestimmter Typen. Aber damals wusste man ja noch nicht, dass die später mal zu Zeitbomben werden würden.

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