Abgleich Ukw Saba Freiburg 3Ds

      Abgleich Ukw Saba Freiburg 3Ds


      I hope someone can help me to get the automatic in good working condition : my freiburg 3ds works fine ( all bad capacitors have been replaced), I receive some 30 station ( manually, with automatic nly some 20stations) I'am a amateur with no technical education, I only posess a digittal multimeter. The ECL80 and EABC habe been replaced with NOS ex. )

      My excuses for not writing in German, my knowledge is not so good.

      Thanks for helping me. :rolleyes:

      Koen Louage
      the radio works good on UKW, the automatic also, only he stops only on some 12 stations. When dialing without automatic, I find about some 10 stations extra, on which the automatic doesn't stop. I think it is a question of alignment, but I only have a digital multimeter. Is it possible to align with only a multimeter and of course the magnificent working magic eye EM34.

      Thanks for your concern.

      Koen Louage

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von „Koen Louage“ ()

      In this Freiburg there's a potentiometer in the back of the chassis. It regulates cut-off voltage for automatic search. Ideally you should set it as in the instructions (set P5 to zero Ohm, connect generator with 15V to points X and Y and then set it so the automatic is set off). But if you don't have generator you should slightly correct its position so automatic is more sensitive. Otherwise voltage from weaker radio stations is too low to overcome bias voltage of electromagnetic switch (EABC80).

      number of good stations UKW


      after turning P5 at the left, I receive 14 stations ( EM34 100% closing) on which the automatic falls down, and some 9 stations who give only 80% closing of the EM34: these 9 stations don't be able to stop the motor. If I turn P5 slightly to the right, the motor doesn't stop at any station, even those with 100% closing of the magic eye.

      I have the impression that the UKW-tuner has to be re-aligned, but can I do this with only a multimeter?? ?(

      Thanks for your help.

      Hello Koen,

      receiving 14 stations with the EM34 by 100% closed and additional 9 stations who give 80% means everything is definitely fine with your FM reception. Don't touch the FM Box! Obviously the sensitivy of the automatic section is insufficient. The task is now to find out why. A first step could be to check the voltages supplied, first of all V1 and V2 (see schematics) and the resistors between V1 and grid of the ECL 80 triode. And report.

      Regards, Stefan
      Hello Koen,

      the voltages you measured are not neccessarily to high. Remember you are dealing with a set from 1954! Note that the voltages given in the schematics had been measured, it is mentioned in the documents, with a "Multavi II" instrument which has an internal resistance of only 333 Ohms per voltage on range. That means to you, to measure voltages between 6 and 30 Volts (e.g. the 12 Volts at the 25k), you have to connect a 10kOhms resistor PARALLEL to you modern meter, and for measurements below 6Volts (e.g. the 3,5Volts) use a 2kOhms. The results you get now are comparable to the voltages given in the schematics.

      Hello Koen,

      before you take further steps , you make the ratio voltage at 80 % deflection of the magic eye measure . If this is > 15V , is the shutdown of automatic beyond their tolerance.
      The switch-off is determined by the demodulated negatively directed IF voltage and a positive- adjustable back tension .
      For this the following SB -neck : Here all marked resistances should be checked . For forcibly increasing the switch-off level, a resistor may e.g. 220k are inserted before P1.

      Freundliche Grüsse, sagnix

      Abgleich saba freiburg 3ds

      Hello Stefan,

      I did the measurement with a 1.8Kohm and the other with a 12Kohm resistant parallel , I don't have other resistants coming closer to your advice . So V1 gives minus 1,06Vdc and V2 minus 1,3Vdc. Still different from the schematics, gives this to you a bether sight of what can be done ?

      Kindly regards, Koen

      sagnix schrieb:

      Hello Koen,

      before you take further steps , you make the ratio voltage at 80 % deflection of the magic eye measure . If this is > 15V , is the shutdown of automatic beyond their tolerance.
      The switch-off is determined by the demodulated negatively directed IF voltage and a positive- adjustable back tension .
      For this the following SB -neck : Here all marked resistances should be checked . For forcibly increasing the switch-off level, a resistor may e.g. 220k are inserted before P1.

      Hello Sagnix,

      All the resistors in your schematic are good. Can you explain your last sentence : what means a SB-neck?

      And : the 220K resistor : where exactly could he be inserted?

      Kindly regards, Koen

      sagnix schrieb:

      Hello Koen ,

      "SB -neck " I mean diagram segment . The word also seemed strange that has the Translator so disfigured .
      The 220k resistor I have drawn in the diagram to the left of the line , in which it should be inserted .
      You have not yet been notified , what is the ratio voltage at 80 % display of magic eye . This decides whether the termination sensitivity is outside the specified limits.

      Hallo Koen,

      mit „SB-neck“ meine ich Schaltbildausschnitt. Das Wort kam mir auch seltsam vor, das hat der Translator so entstellt.
      Den 220k Widerstand habe ich im Schaltbild links neben der Leitung eingezeichnet, in welche er eingefügt werden sollte.
      Du hast noch nicht mitgeteilt, wie hoch die Ratio-Spannung bei 80% Anzeige des Magischen Auges ist. Dies entscheidet, ob die Abschaltempfindlichkeit außerhalb der vorgegeben Grenzen liegt.
      Freundliche Grüsse, sagnix

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von „sagnix“ ()

      Hallo Peter /sagnix)

      Hast Du schon einmal bedacht, dass zur Zeit in der das Radio
      entstand das Raster der UKW-Sender 300Khz betrug, heute gelten 100Khz als
      Mindestwert und 50khz nicht unüblich. Mit diesem Raster
      hatten und haben moderne Suchlaufelektroniken, die nur eine +/- Kennung
      verwenden Problem und fangen nicht jeden Sender. Wir haben ab 1980 neben
      +/- , sowie maxinale Feldstärke, bei jedem Suchaufschritt von 50Khz oder gar 25 khz mit einem internen Zähler
      gemessen, haben wir 10,7 Mhz ( oder die jeweilige Kennfrequenz der Ker-Filter) oder nicht ? Daraufhin stoppte der Suchlauf oder setzte den Suchlauf
      solange fort, bis der Zähler sein o.k. gab. Ich glaube daher nicht, das ein FB 3DS jeden Sender der dicht bei dicht im 100khz Raster
      liegt,.erkennen kann. Lass dir doch eine genaue Tabelle geben oder jede Frequenz der Sender geben die nicht erkannt wird. Wichtig sind die Nachbarsender +/- dazu.

      Wer das nicht für realistisch hält (mindestens einer) braucht es nicht lesen oder ist eben schlauer als manch anderer. z.B. (decoder) Hans

      Have you ever considered that the time in the Radio
      was the pattern of the FM station was 300kHz, today 100Khz deemed
      Minimum value and 50khz not uncommon. This grid
      had and have modern scanning electronics that only a +/- identifier
      use problem and not catch any channels. We have 1980 next
      +/-, And maxi-dimensional field strength at each Suchaufschritt of 50Khz or even 25 kHz with an internal counter
      measured, we have 10.7 Mhz (or the respective characteristic frequency of Ker-filter) or not? Then stopped the search or put the search
      while continuing until its counter o.k. gave. I therefore do not think that a FB 3DS each transmitter the cheek by jowl in 100khz grid
      is, can .erkennen. Let you nevertheless give an exact table or each frequency of the transmitter type which is not recognized. Important are the neighboring stations to +/-.

      Google Übersetzer für Unternehmen:Translator ToolkitWebsite-Übersetzergoogle
      • UKW--1954.png

        (47,12 kB, 35 mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )
      • UKW-2015-Kno.png

        (14,15 kB, 36 mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 5 mal editiert, zuletzt von „decoder“ ()

      Aggleich Saba Freiburg 3DS : PROBLEM SOLVED

      Hello Stefan, Sagnix and Peter,

      finally I got the boldness to try to re-align the UKW-tuner, just with the EM34 as indicator. It was hard, took many hours, and I lost my courage many times. But I reached what I wanted : without the automatic, I can receive 23 stations, magic eye 100% closing, even closing further ( if that is possible ) . Then I tried the same with the automatic, and the automatic stops on all the 23 stations. What a relief! The ratio-voltage varies between -11,2Vdc ( only on this station the EM34 closed for 90%) , all other stations measured 15,7V till 22.3 Vdc minus and EM34 closing 100%.

      Remarkable is that without the automatic, the ratio-voltage gives +/- 5% more tension ( negative)

      I would like to kwow how many stations a FM radio can receive in yours countries? In Belgium, I suppose not being able to receive more tha the 23 staions I have got now.

      I am very greatful to all of you, thanks a lot!

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