
Suchergebnisse 1-17 von insgesamt 17.

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Hello, Please help me. I am wanting to buy a Suche Motor für Sendersuchlauf Saba Freiburg 11. I am member of the Historical radio society of Australia and I need to complete radio restoration. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Chris hallo, Bitte helfen Sie mir. Ich bin zu wollen, um eine Suche Motor für Sendersuchlauf Saba Freiburg 11 kaufen. Ich bin Mitglied der Historischen Gesellschaft von Australien Radio und ich muss Radio Wiederherstellung abzuschließen

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Hi, I would like to buy a working Saba Fersteuerung RS125 for my Saba Freiburg 11. Hopefully someone has one for sale please?

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Hi, Has anyone fixed this problem before? The rubber surround is perished on the magic eye. Is there a topic on this? Maybe I could use heatshrink tubing? Hoping someone can please help me. P1020819(1)%20(640x421).jpg

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Saba Freiburg 8 Schematic

    crvee8 - - English speaking corner


    Danke Decoder

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Saba Freiburg 8 Schematic

    crvee8 - - English speaking corner


    Hi, Can anyone please help me with a Saba Freiburg 8 service manual, schematic and parts list? Thanks so much.

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Saba Motor Capacitors

    crvee8 - - English speaking corner


    Hi, What voltage capacitors can you use for 0.35uf and 0.4uf for the Automatic motor. Is 630v ok? Thanks for your help.

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Saba Freiburg 9 lamps

    crvee8 - - English speaking corner


    Hi, What is the best replacement for the 8.5v .15a lamps.? These are very hard to find. I also read that a #46 lamp (6.3v .25A) will work ok for the 7v .3a lamp. Thanks!

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Saba Meersburg 125

    crvee8 - - English speaking corner


    Thanks so much for your help Heino.

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Saba Meersburg 125

    crvee8 - - English speaking corner


    Thank you .015uf. (15nf) Can anyone post part of the schematic showing this capacitor. I cannot find it in schematic and I am unsure where to find it.

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Saba Meersburg 125

    crvee8 - - English speaking corner


    Hi, I have a Saba Meersburg 125 which I am restoring. I would like to know what value this brown capacitor is? I cannot read the value. It is off the tone control which has the switch on the back. I do not have the schematic of this part of the radio and the capacitor needs replacing. I have attached a photo. P1020818%20(1024x768).jpg

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Hello Achim, Sorry for the confusion. I have two Saba's. One is a Freiburg 11 which I wanted information on and the other is a Meersburg 125. I am currently working on the 125 the simpler of the two! The Freiburg 11 is working and I am amazed at the sound quality. That is the magic of Saba! The 125 has two gears that I will adjust now since I have cleaned the motor. I need to replace a few more of the electrolytics of the 125. The motor is running faster now, the ECL 80 was weak. When the tuning…

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Hi, Another question please! In the motor do you have to tension the gears when re-assembling? If so how by how many pips on the gears? Do you tension both gears, or just the gear on the rotating cylinder? Thanks for your help.

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Hi Achim, The radio is playing well on all bands with good sound. I cleaned the motor and greased it up. However the tuning motor is very slow. It goes reverse and forward ok but is very very slow. It increases slightly in speed when the button is held in. The voltages appear ok on the motor. What regulates the speed of the motor? Thanks for your help. These radios are very complicated compared to what I normally worked on.

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Hi Achim, Thanks for your tips. I notice from the schematic, there are 2 shielded x .022uf capacitors (3 leads) with a ground lead used on the inputs of the grids on the EABC 80 and ECL 86. Are the purpose of these special capacitors with grounds on them to stop the possibility of hum pickup? If so, I don't suppose the normal .022uf capacitor could replace them as they may need a ground, as a three lead .022uf is hard to get. I am wondering what would happen when a two lead .022uf could be used?…

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Hi Achim, Thanks for the tip! I thought I might need to disassemble the motor and clean the moving parts. Do you recommend any type of lubricant, oil or grease for the moving parts? I was looking for a forum thread on the tuning motor but I am yet to find one.

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Thank you Dieter and a Merry Christmas! The tuning knob does not turn and it seems jammed at the motor. If the motor is not turning, will it stop the tuning control from working?

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Hi, I am enjoying reading this forum very much. I was wondering does anyone please have a copy of a Saba Freiburg 11 service manual with the parts listings? In the downloads section there is a circuit of the radio but not a copy of the parts listings and numbers used in this radio. Also is there a thread or information of servicing and lubrication of the Saba automatic tuning motor?