Meersburg Automatic 8 - restoration in progress.


      Recently I bought my first Saba radio from 50ies. It turned out to be a very good bargain, as chassis condition was great - it seems that nobody was ever repairing this set, as all the capacitors were in place. Instead of EL84 was inserted EL86, which was probably at the end of her life, as capacitor between EF86 and EL84 grind wasn't replaced. But radio was on, when I came to pick it up! Thankfully nothing was burned, although output transformer now looks like it was starting to melt. But no short circuit was found.
      I started the restoration by small cleaning with slightly wet cloth, as it was nothing but the small coat of dust. Chassis is shiny and pretty again.

      Then I started the usual - replacing all tar capacitors, cleaning contacts and greasing mechanical parts.
      And here's my first question - what function do have those double gears connected with some kind of spring, and how should they be put together? For the maksimum tension of that spring or around the middle?

      Radio after replacing tar-C and EABC80 and ECL80 started to work without major problems. But the rocker didn't want to return to it's place. I checked two selenium diodes, voltages in the automatic part of the circuit, and it turned out that triode of EABC80 had a very small anode voltage, as grid voltage was all right. To my surprise ceramic capacitor between anode and ground had a short of ~13k, so the current was drawn mostly by him.
      Now automatic search work good, but it's better when tuning from higher frequency to lower that the other way around.

      Also, I didn't replaced capacitor .035uF in the AC part of the engine. It looks solid, metal can with some greenish plasticon top. Should I replace it or leave it?
      And I hope it's normal for the enginge getting very warm (but not hot) even during the period of listening to the same station?

      Best regards,
      Hi Peter,

      seems to me you did a great job !!

      The 0,35µ is always working o.k. and doesn´t need replacement.

      Also it´s normal for the tuning motor to become warm, sometimes even hot, just when listening to a tuned station. The motor is constantly rocking back and forth and thus produceing lots of heat... Just turn the automatic off !

      Best regards and a Happy New Year, Dieter
      Peter J posteteAnd here's my first question - what function do have those double gears connected with some kind of spring, and how should they be put together? For the maksimum tension of that spring or around the middle?
      Hello Peter.
      The dual gear-set with spring tension is to remove "backlash" or loose fit in the mechanical tuning control.
      This is a common design to many tuning systems of many radios, whether manual tuning (see in also TO variable capacitors)- or models with motorized functions.
      Without the close tolerances and fine control for the SABA automatic models, the motor may possibly "hunt" back and forth,(more than it should)- searching for the exact center of the broadcast transmissions.
      The tension adjustment position in all models I have worked on are found about half-way in the elliptical slots of the gears.

      Enjoy your fine radio!
      thank you for your answers.
      Now I'm always switching off the motor if I want to listen to one station. I also cleaned cores in the UKW tuner which resulted in receiving more weak stations. All in all Saba has best reception (with Grundig 4090 maybe) - tested in the same place and with the same dipol antenne.

      I thought it was some kind of precise way of removing loose fits, I'm glad it turned out to be true. I also adjusted those wheel half-way - if they were set too tight, engine ran much slower.
      Now the automatic search works without trouble - 18 seconds from one end to another.

      Edit: Also I'd like to ask, what function has a potentiometer P4? It's located under the chassis.
      today I was finally able to take some pictures, as good weather and free time finally met. The device is working great, although there's still a little problem with automatic - it finds more stations going from right to left than the other way.
      It is now my pride and joy, also one of my biggest sets, along with Beethoven and Grundig 4090.
