Saba 50k defekter mitteltone oder nicht ?

      Hello folks !

      I discover this incredible box 2 weeks ago, and i fall in love immediatly, so i test it on different amps, A Leak Delta 70, rebuild as new, A Marantz 1030 and a Yamaha CS 610 in perfect condition.

      And, tweeter is sweet, not hard to listen, medium perfectly defined and bass not very loud but ok, in fact a pair of box really easy to listen and equilibrated, but...

      In some frequenties, the medium twist signal, some distortions appears, only in few highter range of frequencies.

      So i change the 2 30 mf condenser and the 5 mf condenser, and same problem.

      Is it a know problem for this box ?

      Typical problems of the medium ?

      If yes were can i find medium ?

      Well, please if someone know something about that, please help !!

      If you have any question about french box, like 3A or JMR, i can help !

      Many thanks bye Arzack !
      Hi, Thank you for reading !

      Yes, exactly the same, so it's possible that there's exactly the same problem, but before changing medium, i try to know if some problem occur with filter.

      In fact i see that there's 3 different filters, so i was hoping that one was incorrect, on my cabinet for exemple. (mine built 1976)

      Other things can occur, the simple fact that the boxes don't function during a very long period, so some discret noises can occur some hours and disapear later.

      But, no, always the same metallic hight medium, briefly on the voice of Bjork, for example.

      If nobody experiment this problem, probably the medium are going to die ????

      Thanks Alex
      Hi Al,

      I don`t belive in a defect on both mid-drivers at the same time.

      What else can be?

      1) the capacitors had became "old" (...dry) - especially electrolytic-capacitors
      will "loose" their capacity within years. As longer as the speakers have'nt been
      used as moore this effects will occur.
      2) "modern" Pop-music is recorded in a special way with special sound-effects
      ("hard" bass-beats i.e.). In some cases elder speaker-cabinets (which have
      been constructed in the mid-60ies and 70ies), will not fit very well to modern

      If you own a frequency-generator or a test-cd (with several test frequ.
      recorded on it), you can test each of the mid-drivers with and without
      the filter-circuit. Maybe there is one frequ. (or a small frequ.-range) where
      the mid-drivers produce this distortions. If you know that range, you can
      built up a separate filter to "cut" (= damp) these frequ..
      But you should know: music-signals are more complex than simple sinus-
      waves, so maybe everything is ok when you test the mid-divers.

      Saba Daba Dooooo
      When you have this Problem with only one Box then you must change the Drivers from left Cabinet in the right Cabinet.
      When you have change the Drivers from the left to right Cabinet and do you have the Problem also in the same Cabinet as before then Problem on the "Crossover" (Spool or Capacitor).

      But when you have after changing the Drivers from the left to right Cabinet and the same Problem but in the other Cabinet now then Driver are not Ok (the one middle-frequency Driver or one of the two middle-lowfrequency Diver or the the Tweeter are bad).
      When one of the Driver not ok then you must check why and whats up. It gives 3-Options:

      1. The "Surround are no more good and to old (but then you can buy new surround for low Money and change you can make do it yourself)

      2. Centering from Magnet not perfekt and voicecoil "scratching"

      3. The Voicecoil are destroyed, then no way fro repair and you need a you driver.

      Let me know.

      kindly Regards
      I'm also an owner of a pair of 50K. And i can confirm exactly to all what you said. I have exact the same noise at both midrange driver from a Special soundlevel on. With lower Level there is no noise. For me it Sounds more like a distortion. And its not because of modern popmusic. Indeed its more with classical music like grandpiano or choir. You wrote you already changed the caps. So i fear its the driver itself although it doesn't Sound mechanical.
      Thanks for your answer, i take time to make some test, and find solution ?

      In fact i simply put little water, with a spray, on one of the midrange, and noises disapear, probably a problem with damping factor cause of the age....

      Don't know how i can do to make that permanent !

      Other thinks bored me, if i find other drivers, don't they have the same problem ?

      Thanks for your help.

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