Saba 9940

      it's not a bad idea, starting a thread to the 9940 in english. As i own this set too, maybe i'll have some tips and experiences with it.
      First i suggest to change the big capacitors on the power-supply pcb in any case. As you might have seen in my own thread, they can leak and so destroy the board. They must be of low quality or at least not very durable.

      Do you have specific problems with your 9940? But in any case, if it's "only" a cleaning and to make it fit for another 30-40 years of duty, i will follow your progress with interest. The 9940 is a fine thing, i really enjoy listening music with it.
      Gruß, Gunnar
      Ok,thank you Gunnar,i have a huge surprise,because i messureament the big capacitors with the esr-meter,and is very good,low resistance,only the percent is high,but were is the pair,is the same.The very good made off.
      I have some probleme with the LED in pannels,4 LED at front with alc-snl-dolby,they dont work.Maybe is the issue from cassettedeck!?
      I dont have time (yet),to parts the deck,this weekend i do it.Cassettedeck,have some fluctuations at speed.Any suggestion!?
      Radio and the amplifier work excellent,is nasty with the noise at speaker,when i off the plug.
      The problem with the signal-LED at the front seems to be a typical problem with the 9940/41. If all LEDs remain dark, mostly the necessary 24Volts are missing. Please check first the IS2211 on the "Schalterplatte" at the back of the cassette-deck. If you find the 24V at the input of the Voltage-regulator, check the R2204. This resistor often blows, so the LEDs cannot get the 24V. Replace with a 1KOhm metal-film resistor of at least 1W rating.

      And what do you mean with this nasty noise? If you turn off the set, are there strange noises, not only a "plopp"? If you get screaching or whisteling noise, it's due to asymmetric breakdown of the supply voltages at the power-amp. In most cases it's related to a defect in one of the capacitors in the power supply (the 10.000µF ones).
      And as you may noticed, there is no relay-protection in the set, as built in the 92xx recievers, so a little noise is normal, when switched on or off.
      Gruß, Gunnar
      Yes,but is not a little noise,when the switch is off/on,have like a 'strike',whatever,probably missing a relays-protections.I resoldering where is not the signal fluent,and now is ok.
      The radio is ultra-sensible.
      I receive stereo with hightec 10 cm by wire.
      What is the 'weaknes' of this Ultra hi-fi!?
      I will invite everyone to join the discussion.
      Regards Ion
      Well, normally a little rubbercap that carries the tonearm just disappears during the years. The automatic of every DUAL-Turntable i've seen didn't operate any more, but after replacing the rubbercap with a little part of a cable insulation everything worked fine again.

      I have some probleme with the LED in pannels,4 LED at front with alc-snl-dolby,they dont work.Maybe is the issue from cassettedeck!?
      I had two 9941 (The big brother of 9940) with the same Problem. You just have to replace R2204 (1kOhm/1W).

      EDIT: As i see, i forgot to link the Photo of the little rubbercap (=Steuerpimpel).
      So here it is:

      For any problems with Dual turntables it's very useful to look up on the dual-board:

      For nearly any Problems there is a solution!

      And for your question about the typical weakness of this 9940 / 41 sets...
      You can say that there are no hard problems, only minor things you can (or have to) fix. It's like the very solid built 92xx recievers, they come in their "best age".
      Some capacitors have to be changed, in older versions there are still the red Roederstein capacitors. They often lead to problems. As well you can change the tantal- and other electrolytic capacitors in the signal-line. There you use best the small form of WIMA capacitors (up to 1 or 2.2µF).
      But apart from that you have a fine set, you can repair easily with standard spare-parts.
      Gruß, Gunnar
      Hello Ion,

      for sure there were done some modifications on this board. Somebody has added the red capacitor and the black diode. In order to avoid a short-circuit by this modification the pcb track was cut (indicated by red circle).

      What was the target of this modification is hard to find out without knowing which board it is and without having a schematic diagram. Can you give us a little bit more details about it? Maybe you can upload also the relevant section of the schematic diagram if you have.

      geht nicht - gibt's nicht!
      Hi again

      I wrote to Alex because I had the same problem with the Steuerpimpel in my SABA 9940 and the Grundig RPC450, they both use the same player.

      He asked me to post my experiences, so here it is:

      The substitute for the Steuerpimpel I used was a 5 mm piece of bycicle tire valve rubber (Fahrradventilschlauch für die deutsch sprechenden). I guess its of very stable material and it fits perfect. Both players work again as they are supposed to do.

      So let us know if you have similar or different experiences.

      Regards, Dieter
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