Freudenstadt 100 clutch

      Hello everyone, this is my first post on this forum. I live in England and I have been restoring radios for two years. My main interests are 1930s Ekcos, 1950s and 1960s large German radios and 1960s and 1970s Hacker transistor radios.

      Now I am restoring a Freudenstadt 100. It is the most complex radio I have worked on and there is a lot of work to do.

      One problem is with the tuning mechanism; the pointers stop moving while I turn the tuning knob. It is the same on AM and FM. I think the problem is with the clutch and I hope someone can answer my questions.

      There are two small screws (grub screws), one on each side of the clutch body. What is their function? Can they be used to adjust the clutch? Is it possible to adjust the operation of the clutch in any way?

      If I have to remove the clutch, is that a simple task? I am not good at replacing drive cords so I would like to leave them undisturbed as much as possible.

      Thank you for reading my questions.

      You're right, you won't be able to remove the clutch without loosening the cords. But hey! That's part of the fun. Isn't it? ;)

      Actually you don't have to remove the cords completely. Just use some tape around the bends so the cords don't come off when you loosen them. Then remove the the axles and take apart the clutch like shown on the pictures.

      You should take thousands of pictures before doing this. AND you should draw the course of the stings. In case they come off you will be able to reroute them.
      Geht ned gibts ned.
      Hello Gus,

      if nothing is broken inside the clutch , you normally don´t have to
      dismount or change it.

      You can open the clutch by relaxing the two bent metal shieldings
      mounted on it using a small screwdriver. After opening the clutch
      you will see if anything is broken inside. If not - OK !

      You can use some fluid oil, like used for cleaning and lubricating
      metal parts, available as spray , and lubricate a little inside this clutch.

      It has to switch between FM and the other ranges , easy and with
      making a real good switching sound.

      But this is implying, that the switching mechanism
      of the radio for selecting the different ranges is working perfect and
      easy, so this mechanism has to be cleaned and lubricated, too.

      All metalic parts , that are moving during actuating them, have to be

      Also the deflecting rolls of all the cords have to be cleaned and lubricated.
      Also the whole shaft, were the clutch is mounted on.
      Also the whole tuning mechanism of FM and AM/LW/SW.

      There are only two things, that never have to be contact with
      greace or oil: The cords, especially where they are guided
      over the actuating shafts, and the elastc rubber disks left and right
      of the clutch.

      All other moving parts have to be cleaned and lubricated.

      Because : The clutch cannot work, when too much force is necessary to
      turn stations. It will behave like beeing on on end of the range,
      and go loopy ( is that the right word for it ? :) ).
      Worst thing, that can happen: It will kill the rubber disks inside the clutch.

      Most times after cleaning and lubricating of the complete mechanics the
      clutch is working well and there is no force necessary for tuning all ranges.

      Also, if the clutch is broken inside, it CAN be changed without
      dismounting any rope , but that´s little tricky and not explained in two words...

      So, please clean and lubricate some hours, and after this we will see...

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