SABA Mainau 100

      kennethan postete

      I found another variant of the unit the other day and bought it at once. Can´t find any damage at all on the cabinet and the radio works ok. Have a little job on the recordplayer but that will be interesting.
      Greetins from Sweden!

      This is a SABA Mainau 125 from 1960/61!
      Whats the Problem with the recordplayer? DUAL 1007!
      Greetins to Sweden
      Gruß aus der SABA Stadt Villingen
      Hello again!

      I checked my unit again and it seems to be something between the 100 and 125....
      The recordplayer is the model "Dual 1004 S-D" marked Stereo.
      Pickup is marked Dual KS2 (1004 D+S)
      The back cover and the schematic is named "SABA Truhe Mainau 100 Stereo Nord".
      The schematic seem to be the same as the 100-version with a little difference in the power supply - extra fuses on the secondary side of the transformers. I think this is on demand of the Swedish Electric Control authority.
      The cabinette looks like the 125 except that the SABA-sign is not on the loudspeaker-cover but on the wood above and not quite the same look.

      Do you recognize this information?

      The recordplayer was completely dead (not rotating) when I tested it for a short time, so now I have dismounted it and I will check the wiring, switches and that the motor isn´t stuck. Any other suggestion?


      New information

      I have gone through the recordplayer and it is now working except thet it can´t play the records all the way to the end. It seem to me that the tonearm is moving heavily the last bit.