
Suchergebnisse 1-20 von insgesamt 25.

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Gee, wish I knew how to control the size of the schematic. At least I will not have to struggle to read it.

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Hi Achim, I agree it is an area of concern. For the record, here is the circuit including the "Fernsteuerteil". Freiburg7%20Search%20Lock.png Assuming the circuit is working correctly, if the remote control is connected, switch S10 is open and the coil in the remote control takes the place of R109 (6k resistor). If a search is started either from the front of the radio or from the remote control, the appropriate coil will be energized (the coils are in series) until the EABC80 lets go. The conce…

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Achim, that would work. Power dissipation by the 47k resistor would be about 1.75 watts worst case, so a 2 watt resistor would be sufficient. The time constant of the 47k resistor and C137 is about 0.75 seconds -- that should be fast enough. Using separate resistors for the automatic control and the resistors has the benefit of allowing one to switch from music to speech (or vice versa) without interrupting a station search that is in progress. With the current design, pressing the button will s…

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Thanks, Achim. My solution, at the moment, is to just up the wattage of R111 to 10 watts (or R102 in the Meersburg). That way even if one keeps their finger on S8 or S9 all day resistor R111 will not burn (but it will get hot). That, by the way, does not trouble the relays at all. Once C137 has discharged through the relays, the current through the relays will be minimal (29 ma). Power dissipated by the relay will be less than 100 milliwatts. I think what you are suggesting is this: Speaker%20re…

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Yes, I discounted the resistance of the relay, since it is so low. I agree with Peter's value. Frankly, it is an unsafe condition and constitutes a fire hazard, albeit, a very low one. And one I am not losing any sleep about. However, I am replacing the 2 watt, R111 resistor with a 10 watt wire wound one. By the way, the same situation occurs in the Meersburg 7, shown here: Relay%20resistor.png

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    I have discovered a "toasted" (burnt) resistor in the Freiburg 7 I am restoring. The resistor, R111, is a 10k, 2 watt resistor that controls the charging of C137 that provides the current necessary to switch the Music/Speech relays. When one pushes the "Sprache" or "Musik" button, C137 discharges through the relays. Once one ceases to push the button, C137 will recharge through R111. During the time the button is pushed until C137 recharges (or nearly recharges) the current through R111 will exc…

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Super, Achim, thanks for that. I'll follow your suggestion. Jim

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    I am beginning my next project -- a Freiburg 7 Automatic. It has not been well treated. There is plenty of corrosion. In addition, someone in the distant past tried to correct some automatic tuning problems. The motor was nearly siezed. Chassis%201a.JPG I feel, however, I can correct those problems. My question concerns the glass FM tuning rod with the silver slugs. I read with interest in Achim's project his incredible effort to restore his Freiburg. Did he have those slugs re-plated or did he …

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Konstanz 8 Automatic

    JimMac - - Röhrenradios, Mono


    Thanks for all your help. Here's a photo of the finished (nearly -- nothing is every really finished) product: Konstanz%208%202.JPG

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Reparaturbericht Sabine

    JimMac - - Röhrenradios, Mono


    Beautiful work and nicely done!

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Haben Sie Tipps, wie Sie die goldenen Streifen bewerben? Meine Saba Kabinett ist in schlechter Verfassung.

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Konstanz 8 Automatic

    JimMac - - Röhrenradios, Mono


    I have installed the new IF filter and on/off switch. Preliminary checks look good, all is working, MW, LW, SW seem more sensitive. I need to adjust the IF filters for proper performance and then check the automatic search function. That's interesting about the beer, as I enjoy a nice German cold one, but I think that we all get so use to what we have always had that it is nice to try something different. The closer you get to where the beer is brewed the better it is. Achim -- I love rootbeer w…

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Konstanz 8 Automatic

    JimMac - - Röhrenradios, Mono


    Thanks Dieter, Good timing. As I was typing this response, your package arrived. I suspect you will not have long to wait to enjoy that beer. I am actually an American living here in England, but from years of living in Europe (4 years in Holland, 4 years in Germany, 11 years in England), I support 4 teams: USA, Holland, England, & Germany (in that order), so when one of the teams go out, I generally have another to support. Yesterday, from my point of view, was terrible. Only the USA got someth…

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Konstanz 8 Automatic

    JimMac - - Röhrenradios, Mono


    Wow Gruss, I think that with a little tender loving care (TLC), it could be brought back to life. Seriously, it is nice to know that there is a source. Dieter has been kind enough to send what I to complete my restoration. I find technical level and the attention to detail of these old radios amazing. It was truly the beginning of HIFI sound. In their day, who could afford these radios? They must have cost a fortune in their time. Thanks, Jim

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Konstanz 8 Automatic

    JimMac - - Röhrenradios, Mono


    Hi Dieter, Thanks again. I stuff some money in an envelope and send it your way. Regards, Jim

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Ich habe, wo ich arbeite, moderne teure elektronische Prüfgeräte. Es wäre nützlich, wenn jemand ein allgemeines Verfahren, um die Empfindlichkeit des Empfängers zu messen geben könnte. Kann jemand mir ein paar Hinweise? Regards, Jim (English version) I have, where I work, modern expensive electronic test equipment. It would be useful if someone could give a general procedure to measure the receiver sensitivity. Could anyone give me some guidance?

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Konstanz 8 Automatic

    JimMac - - Röhrenradios, Mono


    Perfect. That is exactly what the doctor ordered (hope that expression translates in German). The voltage selector is in better shape than mine. And yes, the on-off switch may be a bit tricky to change. But that is what the fun is all about. If it was easy, everyone would do it. I cannot express my gratitude enough. One old Konstanz 8 brought back to its former glory. My next step is the cabinet. I will have some questions for the forum on the best way forward. I do follow other restoration effo…

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Konstanz 8 Automatic

    JimMac - - Röhrenradios, Mono


    That is super, Dieter. Many thanks, Jim

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Konstanz 8 Automatic

    JimMac - - Röhrenradios, Mono


    Fantastic, Dieter. I just need the rotary knob -- the portion that has the voltages printed on it. The one I have is okay, but at some time in the past, it was cracked. Do you still have the on-off switch? Last night I replaced the two 5 nF capacitors (see figure), with appropriate ratings, and discovered that one pole of the on-off switch is not working reliably. It may be difficult to remove that switch. I can live with the one I have. But if it is not too difficult to remove and you do have i…

  • Benutzer-Avatarbild

    Konstanz 8 Automatic

    JimMac - - Röhrenradios, Mono


    Any English speaking person looking for information to restore this radio, would do well review the information at this website:…e438f2fc3c2a7e54d4a45b7ee This is the Sams service information for the Saba Model 300-9C and 300-9T. It is not identical to the Konstanz 8, but it is very close. The main difference is the replacement of the EB91 with an EABC80 and the addition of the latching relay for the search function. But it includes far more service information tha…